The Texas Campus STaR Chart was developed around four key areas of the Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020. These four areas are Teaching and Learning, Educator Preparation and Development, Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support and Infrastructure for Technology. The STaR Chart survey assists school districts and schools for future technology plans and staff development.
In today’s blog, I would like to focus on one area of the Texas Campus STaR Chart which is the Teaching and Learning area. I chose this area because my current school, Sartartia Middle School, is showing great improvements in this area over the last couple of years. According to the statewide summary for this key area, the target is a classroom where “the teacher serves as the facilitator, mentor, and co-learner. Students have on-demand access to all appropriate technologies to complete activities that have been seamlessly integrated into all core content areas.” It also includes meeting all the Technology TEKS.
When our school is compared to the rest of the state, we are doing quite well toward our target. Currently, across the state the 70% of the districts are in the developing stage. Our school is at the advanced stage. We were making major progress during 2006-07 by already being at the advanced stage. Then, we got a new IT person on our campus with very little experience compared to our previous highly experienced and enthusiastic IT. During the first year of having a new IT, our school had a dramatic drop in the use of technology among our teachers and students resulting in a drop to the developing stage. However, during the 2008-09 school year we bounced back and moved back into the advancing stage. We continue to see technology being incorporated into the regular lesson plans in all subject areas. We have computer labs throughout our school that must be reserved several months in advance. There is hardly a day that goes by that the computer lab is not being used. Although it is very exciting to watch the students show off all the fun things they are doing in class with technology, it is more exciting to see teachers who were once afraid to use technology get excited about it too!
To continue to move toward our Target, we must continue to train the teachers with a variety of lessons that technology has to offer. We also need to make sure that technology tools are available to use throughout the school. With the increasing use of the computer labs, we may need to look at finding ways to make more labs available to teachers. Our school will be ten years old next year. That is the same age as our computers. We need to update them because we are starting to see many problems with the use. Again, to encourage the use of technology, we must stay up with the times and make sure we have all available technology tools.